Monday, July 13, 2009

those jeans

I have a pair of "those jeans." You know the ones. The ones you bought awhile back during your last weight loss venture. The ones you squeeeeezed into and were terrified to wear out of the dryer because you didn't want to look like sausage meat shoved into pigskin walking down the street. I have a pair of those. I put them on today. Out of the dryer. They're baggy. Praise Jesus. Only 58 more pounds to go...

Monday, June 15, 2009

I've learned something about myself

I've learned that I can't have "cheat days." Because "cheat days" turn into "cheat weeks." I was doing so well for all of May and had cut out almost all sugar, white bread, white flour, white pasta, etc. Then my birthday hit. And I went a little crazy. And I don't mind the fact that I gave in on my birthday. You only get one a year. But I do mind what I allowed myself to give into the following days because I chose not to control the "spikes" and "crashes" I'd worked so hard to get rid of in the first place. Praise Jesus that I haven't gained back too much weight (like three or four pounds, but that is still HUGE to me). So, I'm getting back on the bike, starting again. I have a new goal and that is to be under 200 pounds by October. I only have 34 pounds to go to reach it and I'm giving myself just over three months to do it, but it'll be the healthy way, that way it won't come back.
I'm going to be moving in a couple of weeks and I'll be losing access to the apartment complex gym, but Elsie and her husband are going to keep an eye out for specials at the LA fitness near work (he works there) so I can get in on a "no enrollment" special. Since it's on my way to work, I'll have absolutely no excuse not to go. Plus Elsie goes a lot so I'll have accountability in that respect. She also has Squaw Peak in her backyard so hiking will be a breeze.
I'm really excited about this move and the positive changes it's going to bring into my life. It's closer to my friends, my work, the mountains and it's going to save me a decent amount of money on gas and utilities! Yaaay!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

how YOU doin'?

How are you guys doing? I'm sticking to the plan and doing excellent so far! I'm down ten pounds from where I was the last time I blogged and I'm feeling GREAT! My skin has cleared up and I don't have NEARLY the spikes and crashes I was having before. I'm totally motivated and even looking at sugar now (in the form of cakes and regular pasta and white bread and soda) almost repulses me, but in a good way. I see a bellyache when I look at them so I just stay away. If I want something sweet, I'll get some fruit or make some tea with agave nectar. Woo hoo! I'm still not working out as I should *slaps self on hand* but I PROMISE I will do better this week. I WILL go the gym at least three times. Today (as long as I don't get called into work... i'm the "on call" this morning), Friday before work and Monday morning FOR SURE. I'll try to get there other times too, but now that I have a plan, I'll be sure to make it happen. :D

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May goals

So, I gave my current weight, measurements, goals and plan to Rhiannon. Without all the specifics, here's my plan:

Goal: Lose ten pounds and a half an inch of my chest, waist, hips and thighs (each)

Plan: Walk 30 minutes every day with Roxy (15 in am, 15 in pm)
Eliminate white flour, sugar and pasta and replace with whole grains (I've been doing this anyway so by the end of the month, I should be good)
Strength training minimum 3X per week

I know ten pounds sounds like a lofty goal, but I should be able to do that by just replacing Diet Dr. Pepper with water. If it was Elsie saying she'd lose ten pounds, I'd be skeptical because she's already pretty small, but when you're talking about a fabulous fluffy girl, it's a little bit easier. Plus, I have to set my goal a little bit higher otherwise I'd just starve myself the last week instead of working on it gradually throughout the whole month and get back in the habit of making new habits.

I need to get back to working out. I'm going to be moving next month and I need to build up some strength for all that lifting and going up and down the stairs because I don't want to throw my back out or hurt myself, you know?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

a greeeeaaaaat website

So, my friend Elsie introduced me a website called It helps keep track of your calories and activity and stuff. I had NO IDEA how quickly they can rack up! I highly recommend checking it out!
How did I come upon this website? My friend Elsie recommended it. She is a great friend at work and she, Anna-Kay and Rhiannon and I are trying a new accountability adventure this month. We're writing down our current goals for the month and giving them to Rhiannon. On my birthday at the end of the month Rhiannon is going to bring our envelopes and if we hit our goals, awesome. If we don't, then we have to buy a dessert for the other girls and we don't get to have any of it. I know it's kind of weird, but we all agree on it and it'll be good motivation. It's just what I need to get back on track.
We're writing down our measurements and current weight and our goal for the month. We also have to write out exactly how we plan to achieve our goals. Once I have it all figured out, I'll let you know. :P

Monday, April 27, 2009

round two

So, as you've read, I haven't been doing as well as I'd originally hoped on this adventure. I've gotten side-tracked, given into temptation both to food and to laziness and now have nothing to show for it. Well, fortunately for me, today is a new day. Right now I don't feel good. And I know it's because I haven't been eating well or taking care of my body. It's time to get back on track. I don't want to end up on Dr. G, Medical Examiner's table because of a heart attack, stroke, blood clot or aneurysm because I didn't do something about my health before it was too late. So, I'm on my way to the grocery store to buy some fresh produce and naturally cleanse my system for the next couple of days. I need to get rid of all the junk which will hopefully get rid of some of the cravings which will hopefully get rid of some of the spikes and crashes which will hopefully give me more energy and motivation to work out... or at least take longer walks with Roxy. I need to take care of me as well as I try to take care of her. If I can get her weight down with regular meals and exercise, I can do the same thing for me. Wish me luck. I hope you're doing as well as I'm not! Haha.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Every little thing is going to be alright!

Ohhh sweetie-kins. I'm so sorry you are having a tough time. Trust me girlfriend, I didn't get to being over 150lbs overweight overnight! It took a long time (a couple years) to get to where we are and its going to take a couple years to change our lives and get those bad habits into good habits. I feel like an addict sometimes when I'm sitting there at home and I know there is a kitchen full of food waiting to be eaten by me! And it itches at me and bugs me until I can just get something that satisfies me. If I'm stressed out, I don't want to walk, I don't want to breathe heavy.. I want to drown my sorrows and stress and eat. Eat and eat until the pain goes away...of course until there is a new pain of feeling full and bloated.

Girlfriend, I love you so much and I'm sorry you are having a tough time. It's going to be ok. You had a great meal the other night and went to the farmers market. You DIDNT drown your sorrows like you normally would the taco bell drive thru...(which one was built right near my house, curse you taco bell!!)

We will all plateau, we will have awesome days and weeks and then we will have crappy ones. You are not alone in this and you know I am there for you. I'm burned out on water right now. I try to drink at least 64 oz a day and I can hardly stand the taste of it. I have been using crystal light and trying new flavors to try and shake things up a bit.

I love you * I love you * I love you!
Hang in there sweet cheeks I believe in you and I love your curves! Ow baby!! xoxoxo (I pray I don't blow it on easter..we have carrot cake and cheese cake!! HOLD ME BACK!!)
xoxoxo aimee xoxoxo aka runs with bearclaw