Tuesday, March 24, 2009

new worries

So, I haven't been doing the greatest on my quest. The last month has been very bad and I haven't really been caring or paying attention to what's been going on. I've been very stressed and been doing some emotional eating and I think I've worked out like three or four times. Fortunately, I haven't gained a whole bunch and I think working out has been a big factor in that. The last time I went to the doctor, I was 270 and now I'm at 248, so there's still some progress in there. Part of the reason I haven't been doing well is because I've really been struggling with some stress, anxiety and a bit of depression. I've been stuttering more and just felt like I've been spiraling out of control. Today I went to the doctor to talk about some of the issues I've been going through and he's prescribed me Zoloft. He did say that one of the side effects can be weight gain, which is exactly what I don't want! I'm hoping that this side effect won't be one of the ones that effect me. I'm hoping that this will make me feel more like myself and hopefully feeling more like myself will allow me to get back to working out and eating right which will make me feel better too, so I'm hoping this will be a great beginning of me getting back to normal. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. hey girlfriend, just be careful with zoloft. I took it after I had daisy and I had a total panic attack and it didn't work for me. Listen to your body while you are on it. I know that they all work differently on people. I like wellbutrin because it has low side affects and it doesn't help you gain weight. That is what I told my dr, no pills that make me gain weight!!
    i love you more than butter!!
